
Upgrading Baïkal

To upgrade Baïkal, follow the following steps:

  1. Make a backup of your MySQL or SQLite database. This step is really important!
  2. Make a backup of the baikal directory on your server, by creating a copy.
  3. Grab the latest Baïkal zip file from GitHub. Make sure to use the release file with bundled dependencies, not the plain source code.
  4. Upload the contents of the zip file to the server, but make sure you do not overwrite the Specific or config directories. Everything else may be overwritten. Keep the whole Specific and config directories intact. Baïkal needs all files, not just the database. Make sure that invisible files and folders (beginning with a dot ".") are also transferred.
  5. Open the administration panel on the server. Usually this is something like http://dav.example.org/baikal/html/admin/.
  6. Follow the steps in the administration panel.

If you're having any problems with these steps at all, just contact us. We are happy to help you get through this.

Please note: If you used the flat package in the past, this no longer exists. You can upgrade to this version no problem, however, the end-points for syncing changed so you might need to update these.

If it was before something like:


Then it's now:


So two things changed:

  1. cal.php, card.php moved into the html/ directory.
  2. We added dav.php. cal.php and card.php still exist in the html/ directory but will be removed in a future version. dav.php is an endpoint for both caldav and carddav combined.

So if you have access to your webserver/vhost configuration, you actually only need to expose html/ to the world. Everything else is best kept hidden.