OS X addressbook

Addressbook.app (renamed to Contacts in OS X 10.9) is among the first CardDAV clients, and it's shipped with OS X since version 10.6 (Snow Leopard). There are many bugs in the 10.6 client though, most of which have been solved in 10.7.

Technical information


To enable CardDAV traffic logging on 10.8 and above, run the following commands on the command line:

defaults write com.apple.addressbook.carddavplugin EnableDebug -bool YES
defaults write com.apple.addressbook.carddavplugin LogConnectionDetails -bool YES

Logs will be written to ~/Library/Logs/CardDAVPlugin and may be viewed with 'Console.app'.

Directory support

AddressBook.app has support for a global read-only directory. Addressbook.app does not allow simply browsing through the directory, it's used for searching only (using the addressbook-query REPORT).

SabreDAV does have (very minimal) support for CardDAVDirectory, by providing a simple interface: Sabre\CardDAV\IDirectory.

'Me' card

AddressBook.app has the ability to mark a specific vcard as the users' own vcard. Support for this is built-in since SabreDAV 1.6.

The 'Me card' is simply a property on the users' addressbook-collection-set. In SabreDAV this would mean (in a default tree layout) that the property is set on /addressbooks/[username].

The request to set a "Me" card looks as follows:

PROPPATCH /addressbooks/evert/ HTTP/1.1
Host: ...
User-Agent: AddressBook/6.1 (1083) CardDAVPlugin/200 CFNetwork/520.3.2 Mac_OS_X/10.7.3 (11D50)
Content-Length: 280
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: text/xml
Pragma: no-cache
Authorization: Digest ...
Connection: keep-alive

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<A:propertyupdate xmlns:A="DAV:"><A:set><A:prop><C:me-card xmlns:C="http://calendarserver.org/ns/"><A:href>/addressbooks/evert/book1/E7213AAA-7206-4B97-926A-CDFECBD91C26-ABSPlugin.vcf</A:href></C:me-card></A:prop></A:set></A:propertyupdate>

I've noticed that if the Me card is not supported, Addressbook.app may crash.

More information can be found on the me-card page.


Domain root (10.6 issue)

Affects: OS X 10.6

The CardDAV server must absolutely run on the root of the domain. Addressbook makes a lot of assumptions based around this, and running the CardDAV server anywhere else will simply break.

In some cases it was enough (for me) to simply specify the domainname of the CalDAV server, but I've also had cases where:

Even after trying this, it seems to randomly forget the correct TCP port and default back to 8008 (which is the standard port for Darwin Calendar Server).

Under OS X 10.14 "Mojave", configuration with a Server Path of /baikal/html/dav.php/principals/ worked to successfully configure Contacts.app (version 12.0) with Baikal 0.9.2. Note that https:// seems to be required in order for Contacts.app to successfully send credentials.

Single addressbook

Affects: OS X 10.6 until OS X 10.10

OS X addressbook can only ever work with 1 address book. Even though the CardDAV standard makes it easy for users to own more than one addressbook, this is not supported.

Unfortunately this means that if a user has more than one addressbook in their account, only the 'first' will show up, and contacts from other addressbooks are completely hidden to the user.

This can cause for a lot of confusion, and there is no obvious solution other than simply enforce a 1 address book limit for users.

@ in username

Affects: OS X 10.6

This client does not support the usage of the @-character in usernames. This means that it's not possible with this client to use email addresses as usernames. The actual underlying problem is actually that @ does not get urlencoded, and it will treat the part before the @ as the username, and prefix the hostname for HTTP requests with the domainname of the email address.

A workaround is to replace @ with an underscore _ instead, but this is really only a good solution if you use HTTP Basic authentication, as with Digest using a different username will also alter the hash. It's best to simply not use email addresses for usernames if you plan to support (10.6) Addressbook.app.

This client can only use 1 addressbook. It will most likely use the first addressbook in a users' collection of addressbooks.

ctag is required

Affects: at least OSX 10.6 and OSX 10.7

This client requires implementation of the proprietary '{http://calendarserver.org/ns/}getctag' property. Without it, it will simply not request any vcards.