
What are they?

Principals are, in the most general sense:

  1. Something which you can assign privileges to.
  2. Principals can be group-members of other principals.
  3. Principals are represented by a resource in your 'WebDAV filesystem'.

The full definition for principals can be found in rfc3744.

CalDAV, CardDAV and other specifications add more specific terminology to what a principal is, such as:

  1. It can represent a user.
  2. It can represent a group of people.
  3. It can represent a schedulable resource.
  4. A principal resource often holds user-specific information, such as settings in the form of WebDAV properties.
  5. It can represent a container for indirectly assigning privileges to other principals.

When a user is logged in, sabre/dav knows they are a certain principal, and assigns this information to the {DAV:}current-user-principal property.

The principal can also belong to one or more group, and sabre/dav tracks and caches this information as well, as the groups the current user belongs to influences what a user is allowed to see and do on the server.

Do I need principals?

Both CalDAV and CardDAV require principals to work and exists. If you are not building a CalDAV or CardDAV server, you may not need it.

You also must use principals to take advantage of the ACL system. But for some use-cases implementing a fully-fledged ACL system may be overkill.

What's the quickest way to deal with principals?

sabre/dav ships with a 'backend class' that adds principals to your tree. Principal information is stored in sqlite or mysql.

To instantiate this, add it to your 'root node'.

$pdo = new PDO('sqlite:...');
$principalBackend = new Sabre\DAVACL\PrincipalBackend\PDO($pdo);
$nodes = [
    new Sabre\DAVACL\PrincipalCollection($principalBackend)

Note that in the sabre/dav examples/ directory, the following three example servers already have this:

  1. calendarserver.php.
  2. addressbookserver.php.
  3. groupwareserver.php. (combines #1 and #2)

The database structure you need for principals can be found in one of:

  1. examples/sql/sqlite.principals.sql.
  2. examples/sql/mysql.principals.sql.
  3. examples/sql/psql.principals.sql (untested).

The standard database structure has the following fields for the principals table:

  1. id
  2. uri
  3. displayname
  4. email
  5. vcardurl

id is just the primary key and sabredav doesn't really use this. uri must be a full path to the principal. If you didn't change any defaults this means that this must be in the format:


So if your username is "evert", the uri must be:


displayname is primarily used by the CalDAV plugin to search for users with certain names. It's recommended to just fill in a full name here.

email must be set if you do anything with CalDAV and invitations.

vcardurl is used and managed by the CardDAV plugin to implement the so-called "me card" functionality.

Custom principal backends

Many users have a custom authentication system, and also want to integrate their principals system with this.

If you'd like to do this, you can simply subclass


We don't recommend subclassing:


You are required to implement the following methods:

  1. getPrincipalsByPrefix is primarily used to get a list of principals for a path. For instance, you may receive the string principals which means that you have to return every principal that starts with principals/.
  2. getPrincipalByPath returns information for a single prefix.
  3. updatePrincipal. You can just leave this method empty in most cases.
  4. searchPrincipals. Implement this if you want to allow CalDAV users to use auto-completion when inviting users as attendees, sharees or delegates.
  5. findbyUri. Implement this if you want to enable delivery of CalDAV scheduling invites.
  6. getGroupMemberSet, setGroupMemberSet, getGroupMemberShip can be ignored if you don't care about grouping yet.

For more details about these methods, be sure to simply open


As there's much more detail in the actual source files.


Lots of people add automatic provisioning of principals to their servers. If you are interested in this, make sure that you add the 'hook' for provisioning to your authentication backend, not the principals backend.

You only really want to provision urls if you are certain a user can authenticate. The principals system, and in particular getPrincipalsByPath() may return false positives.

Custom principal URL schemes

By default sabre/dav assumes the following url structure:


However, it may be desirable to have a structure such as:


sabre/dav supports custom structures very poorly, and this is something we would like to solve in the future.

At the moment we strongly discourage this, but if you insist, the following chapters explain what needs to be done. The chapters assume that you use both CalDAV and CardDAV. If you don't use either of them, just ignore the related bits from those steps.

We also assume in all examples that your company is named Acme and you created all your custom classes in the Acme namespace.


This is the most obvious: you need to alter your principals backend to support multiple prefixes.

In particular, your getPrincipalsByPrefix method needs to assume it may receive strings such as:


And the same thing applies to getPrincipalsByPath.

Root nodes

Your $nodes, or root nodes that you pass to the server, first had an entry like this:

$principalBackend = new Acme\PrincipalBackend();
$nodes = [
    new Sabre\DAVACL\PrincipalCollection($principalBackend)

This needs to be changed to something like this:

$principalBackend = new Acme\PrincipalBackend();
$nodes = [
    new Sabre\DAV\SimpleCollection('principals', [
        new Sabre\DAVACL\PrincipalCollection($principalBackend, 'principals/users')
        new Sabre\DAVACL\PrincipalCollection($principalBackend, 'principals/groups')

Doing the same for Cal- and CardDAV.

This is unfortunately a bit worse. It's not possible to correctly override the paths for Cal- and CardDAV.

You need to subclass a total of 4 classes. Note that this code is 100% untested.

namespace Acme;

use Sabre;

class CalendarRoot extends Sabre\CalDAV\CalendarRoot {

    function getName() {

        // Grabbing all the components of the principal path.
        $parts = explode('/', $this->principalPrefix);

        // We are only interested in the second part.
        return $parts[1];



class AddressBookRoot extends Sabre\CalDAV\AddressBookRoot {

    function getName() {

        // Grabbing all the components of the principal path.
        $parts = explode('/', $this->principalPrefix);

        // We are only interested in the second part.
        return $parts[1];



class CalDAVPlugin extends Sabre\CalDAV\Plugin {

    function getCalendarHomeForPrincipal($principal) {

        if (!substr($principal, 0, strlen('principal/') !== 'principal/')) {
            throw new \LogicException('This is not supposed to happen');
        return 'calendars/' . substr($principal,strlen('principal/')+1);



class CardDAVPlugin extends Sabre\CardDAV\Plugin {

    function getAddressBookHomeForPrincipal($principal) {

        if (!substr($principal, 0, strlen('principal/') !== 'principal/')) {
            throw new \LogicException('This is not supposed to happen');
        return 'addressbooks/' . substr($principal,strlen('principal/')+1);



Now lastly, you need make sure you're using your own new caldav and carddav plugin, and your newly created node.

All these steps combined changes your server from this example:

$principalBackend = new Acme\PrincipalBackend();
$caldavBackend = new Sabre\CalDAV\Backend\PDO($pdo);
$carddavBackend = new Sabre\CardDAV\Backend\PDO($pdo);

$nodes = [
    new Sabre\DAVACL\PrincipalCollection($principalBackend)
    new Sabre\CalDAV\CalendarRoot($principalBackend, $caldavBackend),
    new Sabre\CalDAV\AddressBookRoot($principalBackend, $carddavBackend),

$server = new Sabre\DAV\Server($nodes);



To this:

$principalBackend = new Acme\PrincipalBackend();
$caldavBackend = new Sabre\CalDAV\Backend\PDO($pdo);
$carddavBackend = new Sabre\CardDAV\Backend\PDO($pdo);

$nodes = [
    new Sabre\DAV\SimpleCollection('principals', [
        new Sabre\DAVACL\PrincipalCollection($principalBackend, 'principals/users')
        new Sabre\DAVACL\PrincipalCollection($principalBackend, 'principals/groups')
    new Sabre\DAV\SimpleCollection('calendars', [
        new Acme\CalendarRoot($principalBackend, $caldavBackend, 'principals/users'),
        new Acme\CalendarRoot($principalBackend, $caldavBackend, 'principals/groups'),
    new Sabre\DAV\SimpleCollection('addressbooks', [
        new Acme\AddressBookRoot($principalBackend, $carddavBackend, 'principals/users'),
        new Acme\AddressBookRoot($principalBackend, $carddavBackend, 'principals/groups'),

$server = new Sabre\DAV\Server($nodes);

